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High school classes are year-long for 32 weeks, a one-hour-long live interactive real-time teaching lecture two days a week, and help, if needed during the week, with a qualified teacher.  

Tuition for high school classes is $600 until the first day of class.  

A discount of $25.00 if paid in full by May 31st.

(This price includes pre-algebra to pre-calculus)**



4th and 5th-grade math classes are year-long for 30 weeks, a half-hour-long live interactive real-time teaching lecture two days a week, and help if needed during the week with a qualified teacher.

Tuition for 4th and 5th-grade classes is $290.00 until the first day of class.

A discount of $10.00 --  if paid in full by May 31st.


Pre-Pre-Algebra (6/7) meets 45 minutes two times a week for 30 weeks.  This is a live, interactive, real-time teaching lecture, and help, if needed, during the week with a qualified teacher. Tuition for Pre-Pre-algebra is $445 until the first day of class. 

A discount of $17.00 --  if paid in full by May 31st.

*A late charge of $25 will be added to any student starting after the first day of class.



IEW prices for SSS 2B and Medieval ---- $379

FixIt Classes - $199


Discounts are available for 2+ children attending live classes in the same household. Payment plans are available upon request. Only one discount can be applied to each student.


Book Club

Cost for one semester (14 weeks) --- $175

Cost for the year (28 weeks) ---- $336


Self-Paced Video Courses

Price - $375

We are pleased to offer self-paced courses in Pre-Algebra through Algebra 2. The first unit is free of charge as an introductory offer. Additionally, a dedicated teacher will regularly meet with your child, providing invaluable guidance and support as they progress through the coursework, including addressing any potential homework-related challenges.  


Are you a math teacher and just need a good Christian curriculum?  We now offer our self-paced courses without a teacher for $199.00 per year.


Included in all our self-paced courses: All our self-paced courses come with videos and all the material included.  The quizzes are auto graded with a few graded by a teacher.   


**All curricula for the high school math classes(Pre-Algebra and higher), including quizzes and tests, are included in the above prices.  All materials are on the computer in the classroom. 


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