Dixie Sandlin
Hello, everyone! I'm Dixie Sandlin, and I am thrilled to welcome you to our book club. We're about to embark on an exciting journey through the fascinating world of medieval literature. I can't wait to dive into these rich, captivating stories with you. Together, we'll explore the tales and traditions of the past, bringing them to life through our discussions. Let's make each meeting an adventure as we uncover the secrets and wonders of medieval times. I'm so excited to share my love for these stories with all of you!
My Story
Dixie is a dedicated homeschool mom of 4. She is passionate about helping other parents succeed in teaching their children and helping them excel scholastically. This is why she tutors online and directs a local homeschool community. She earned her bachelor's degree in English from Lee University, with an emphasis on writing, in 2016 and has been teaching her children and the children of others ever since. As a passionate reader of both fiction and non-fiction, she loves to help others understand the richness of literature in all its forms, especially children! Dixie is a lead learner who never wants to stop learning and takes a humble approach to her students.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.